The Eight Brocades

is a set of eight easy to learn gentle physical exercises (developed over 800 years ago in China) which you can do seated as well as standing and three mental practices.

The course is eight weeks long. Classes are about 1 1/4 hours and conducted at an easy and relaxed pace customized to meet your needs. You practice at home 10 minutes daily with one or two days rest a week.

Over the eight weeks you will increase your body awareness; loosen joints; become more flexible; increase range of motion; lengthen muscles and internal tissues; open your spine, hips, legs, arms, and neck; work towards proper body alignment and posture; and learn tools for relaxation and Chi development.

Most people experience immediate benefits when they start this gentle, powerful exercise programme.
Now maybe you already have some experience with Tai Chi or Qigong and it was excellent or average or mediocre. Or maybe the whole Chi Arts thing is new to you. It doesn't really matter.

The ChiFusion™ Program's goal is health, relaxation, and Chi development. Its approach is unique and revolutionary.

It is based on the traditional and proven teachings of many Tai Chi masters, classical Chinese literature, and testing on hundreds of students combined with cutting edge teaching methods.

It is traditional Chinese Chi Arts teachings taught in a way to meet Western sensibilities - the best of both worlds.

You will learn basic Chi Arts skills in a methodical and efficient way and you will advance rapidly in your Chi Arts practice.

If you are practicing another Qigong or Tai Chi form, the ChiFusion™ Program will enhance what you are already doing, including the martial forms.
If you are a newbie, you will progress quickly in your skills.

If you are feeling old age creeping up on you...
stiff muscles, aches and pains.
sore knees and hips, or will have or have had a hip replacement,
more difficulty walking, bending, and squatting...

This ancient Chinese exercise system can help you look and feel younger - muscles loosen, joints become more flexible, arthritic pains lessen, you begin to walk and bend more easily and gracefully.

Because you gently ease your way into the patterns staying well within your limitations, you gain many benefits with ease and surprising speed with as little as 10 minutes practice a day.

The Brocades

Here are six of the Eight Brocades.
You can do a seated variation of these patterns as well.

Brocade 2: Draw a Bow to Shoot Hawk
This pattern requires the highest level of co-ordination of the Eight Brocades.
And, it has many benefits - among them
~improves nervous system functioning
~increased muscle tone and leg strength
~sacrum and lower back improve muscular and spinal flexibility
~works arms and shoulders
~improves energy flow in the Lung and Kidney meridians

Brocade 3: Touch Heaven and Earth
This is a very soothing and rhythmical pattern that
~opens and loosens and increases range of motion of shoulders, neck, and arms
~stimulates internal organs - stomach, spleen, liver and lungs
~stimulates the meridians of heart, intestines, and lungs

Brocade 4: Looking Backwards
This deceptively simple pattern is great for
~head, neck, tops of shoulders especially for people who sit at computers
~relief for tired overworked eyes
~said to release energy that is stuck in head due to emotions and excessive thinking

Brocade 5: Wag Head and Tail
This twisting pattern is the most aerobic of the brocades, i.e. oxygenating the bloodstream
~great for back, spine, waist, and legs
~loosens muscles along spine as well as vertebrae
~strengthens thighs and calves

Brocade 6: Opening the Spine
This is the most demanding of the Eight Brocades and has many benefits...
~stretches and relaxes neck, back, waist, legs, and spine
~improves mobility of the spine and posture
~energetically awakens spinal energy, stimulates kidneys
~strengthens abdominal muscles

Brocade 7: Punch with Tiger Eyes

A few of the benefits
~works the lower body like Brocade 2: Draw a Bow
~simultaneously works the upper body with the introduction to a rotational limb movement which is used extensively in Levels 3 and 4
~stimulates the Kidney and Liver meridians
~pumps Chi energy to the skin - protection against environmental pathogens and disease

With continued practice come many long term health benefits.