Wednesday 7 November 2012


David Wells Helping Me Demonstrate an (UN)balance point.
I am going to blow my own horn here.
So far I have submitted close to 8 hours of performance and teaching videos for evaluation to Al Simon, my Tai Chi teacher in Oregon.

Last summer I submitted the second set of ChiFusion™Level 3 videos including about 30 minutes of performance and over an hour of teaching two common Tai Chi stances; Cat Stance and Bow Stance.

This is Al’s comment:
“Hi Jackie, you’ve put me in an awkward position. With your teaching video something has happened that has never happened before and that is, I have nothing to say. An excellent evaluation. I really don’t have any serious criticism or things that need to be changed. I thought it was excellent. I’m speechless. And, it’s really difficult to make me speechless... I really enjoy watching your teaching video and enjoy listening to the way you explain things. Great work - really, really, good work.”

This is high commendation from Al, indeed. He never minces words. If he sees a problem with what I am doing, he is very clear in letting me know exactly what it is and how to change it.
I appreciate that... and his praise.
It means a lot to me to meet Al’s standards.