
You Can Look Younger and Feel Younger Doing This Eight Brocades Qigong

So, you're on the better side of 40 or 50 or 60 or...
The joints ache a bit or are a stiffer than a couple of years ago
That left knee or hip protests going up stairs, or
Maybe you’ve had a hip replacement or spine fusion
Or you’re feeling less sure on your feet,
Crawling out of in the morning is just that - crawling, and
The lower back aches when you just think about standing for more than 10 minutes
Maybe things will get better, well at least you hope so...                                        You feel young, you’re active, interested in all sorts of things, you're involved, you enjoy your life.
But you are beginning to suspect that the aches and pains are here to stay.

Well, here is some good news

You can halt many of these aches and pains in their tracks.
You can have looser joints and walk with more ease and grace and balance
You can slip out of bed in the morning without even noticing a stiff muscle.
You can have happier knees, stronger legs and a lower back that easily does its job to keep you comfortably upright.
You can have looser shoulders and hips to turn, bend, or squat more easily.

You will start feeling better, and...

You can do it, in just 10 minutes a day...
Please see the Events page for information about ChiFusion™ Level 1 (Eight Brocades) classes.

This is a brief list of the long term benefits of Qigong as reported by doctors, hospitals, research studies, and students around the world:
  • increases flexibility and mobility
  • improves strength and stamina
  • lowers blood pressure
  • greater aerobic capacity
  • relieves stress and improves nervous system function
  • promotes deeper relaxation and better sleep
  • drops stress hormone (salivary cortisol) levels
  • improved immune response
  • improves posture and back/spine structural problems
  • clears negative emotions and reduces anxiety
  • increased respiratory capacity
  • most recommended aerobic exercise for coronary artery disease
  • better sense of connection between inner self and the outer world
  • combines the powers of meditation and movement in one practice
  • reduces arthritis pain
  • may help relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia,... and much more
I will expand upon this as time goes on.