
When I reached my late 50s, my knees started to object slightly as I climbed stairs, I was stiff getting out of bed, and often my back ached when I was standing preparing meals. I was active swimming a couple of times a week and walking regularly.  I had obtained the YWCA's Fitness Leader Certificate in 1982, and had taught classes to women of all ages and wellness levels. I thought I knew what to do to keep me agile and fit into my old age. But, the aches and pains continued to get worse.

When I discovered the ChiFusion™ Program and began a regular practice, the aches and pains started to disappear. In addition, if some new pain or injury appeared, I was able to gently work it through. I became the expert on my own body.

Even though I had practiced Tai Chi from the early 80s into the 90s, as I got older, my body's needs and responses had changed, my needs were different. The ChiFusion™ approach addressed those different needs. The ChiFusion™Program is not specifically for older people, it is simply structured in such a way that it always accommodates specific needs. It is not a 'one size fits all' approach.

I was so impressed that I could heal and keep my own body well with such a simply learned skills I wanted to share this ancient Chinese knowledge with others who are going through the same process. And so I started Al's instructor training program.

I am certified to teach the complete ChiFusion™ Program - Levels 1 to 4.
Level 1 starts by opening the body and meridians progressing up to Level 4 which includes advanced Qigong exercises - a Tai Chi set called The Four Elements.

Download the Learning About Chi brochure.

Lake Erie at Port Burwell